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Benvenuti nel nostro archivio di cataloghi e materiali informativi, ci siamo posti l'obiettivo principale di creare cataloghi informativi e ad alta visibilitร . Molti cataloghi sono disponibili in diverse lingue e cliccando su una delle linguette รจ possibile visualizzare e scaricare il PDF. The catalogs are divided into catalogs of information and working methods, catalogs of product families, and product pages that we aggiornamento costante fo
Medical & Crash Carts
Poly line:
100% antimicrobial,
100% Modular
Iso 6040
Hygieia line | Salus Line
Static & Movable Shelving
Salus Line
Storage Carts
Apollo line
Choosing antimicrobial soluitions is a pivotal step in enhancing the safety and hygiene of hospital facilities. Pegasus Medical recognizes the significance of antimicrobial polymers in hospital furnitures and their role in mitigating cross-contamination risks, minimizing nosocomial infections, and safeguarding patients and healthcare staff.
Pegasus Medical Concepts offers a comprehensive range of hospital carts crafted from 100% antimicrobial polymers, making hospitals safer and more hygienic.
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